Title: Light Sleeper
Runtime: 1hr 43min
Director: Paul Schrader
Watched via: Criterion Channel
Paul Schrader’s 1992 film Light Sleeper is a slightly above average neo-noir crime drama starring Willem Dafoe as John LeTour. LeTour is an ex-addict who, despite being clean, continues to sell to high end clientele for his boss Ann (played by Susan Sarandon).
Shot in smoky, hazy, and purple hued tones, we dive into a character study with LeTour. We see him writing in journals, narrating his writings in voiceovers, then throwing each journal away as he fills it with his thoughts. LeTour struggles with continuing to sell drugs while feeling guilty about what the product does to his customers, customers that try to pontificate life’s meanings with him. While looking for his way out of the business, LeTour also tries to make amends with his ex-wife Marianne (a great performance from Dana Delany) as they both are now clean.
Despite a strong yet subdued performance from Willem Dafoe, Light Sleeper coasts along with ideas that never get fully fleshed out. Overall an enjoyable watch though and I’d recommend it if you can stream it.