Since we took a week off from the Margot Robbie filmography watch through, I figured it would be a good time for a weekend check-in of what else we’ve been watching.

If you remember back at the beginning of July, I had a post covering the Final Destination franchise. I had watched the franchise as a part of the #150DaysOfHorror challenge put on by Brad and Drew. Well, we are turning the final corner of that challenge with only 51 days until Halloween. And, well, I have some catching up to do. Currently, I have watched 93 of 150 which leaves me 51 days to watch 57 horror movies. Not impossible, but not exactly a walk in the park either.

While I don’t have all of the remaining 57 movies mapped out, I do have at least 6 locked in. That is because I am also participating in the #BingeMoviesChallenge put on by Jason from Binge Movies. To round out Season 6.3, I have 6 George A. Romero films waiting for me and am looking forward to diving in this weekend.

But wait, there’s more. Drew not only helped spearhead the #150DaysOfHorror challenge, he also decided to start a year long scavenger hunt as well that is officially titled “There & Back Again- A Year Long Movie Scavenger Hunt [April 2022 – March 2023]”. We have been referring to it as the T&BA challenge, or just simply the movie number and the theme that we’re currently watching. You can follow my journey on the TB&A challenge here. I have fallen a bit behind for the month of September. However, I should be caught up and have the whole month mapped out by the end of the weekend.

That was just a brief glimpse at what else I’ve been watching outside of Margot Robbie films, in terms of movies. As for television, we’re in that weird spot where a lot of shows are either ending or beginning new seasons. However, one I have really enjoyed so far is The Patient. Highly recommend giving that one a watch on Hulu, Steve Carell flexing his dramatic muscles is always a treat.

Enough about me though, what have you been watching lately? Give me your weekend check-in. What’s been a favorite find? An unfortunate dud? Tell me all about them in the comments below or on social media!

I’ll be back to start the week with more in the Margot Robbie filmography watch through. Be ready for The Legend of Tarzan as well as a look at a new trailer or two on the week.

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