Welcome back! A new Sunday means it’s time for a new installment in the A-to-Z challenge. This week we have the letter “P” and the comedy Postal (2019).

Trailer for Postal (2019)

Title: Postal

Director: Tyler Falbo

Released: April 13, 2019, at the Florida Film Festival

Runtime: 1 hour 17 minutes

Available to stream on: Tubi

IMDb synopsis: A young man’s life unravels over the course of a customer service phone call.

Michael Shenefelt as Phil in Postal

Nothing is worse than a package not arriving when you expect it to. Sometimes it’s just a minor inconvenience, but if you happen to be Phil Tress (Michael Shenefelt), a missing package is about to become the worst day of your life. Phil’s bad day is based on a true story and of course takes place in Florida.

Phil is waiting for an engagement ring to be delivered before he heads to the airport. His plan is to surprise his childhood sweetheart by proposing to her…at her wedding. As the morning passes by and still no delivery, Phil decides to call the shipping company to get an update. When the customer service representative, Kevin, isn’t able to give Phil the answer he’s looking for, Phil begins to spiral.

What follows is a front-row seat as we experience Phil’s emotional breakdown along with him. He will stop at nothing to get his package and is not afraid to take anyone down with him.

I went into this knowing nothing about the true story it was based on, and I’d highly recommend you do the same. Seeing that it took place in Florida had me hooked instantly. Right away I know that the story is going to be wild and probably accurate to how it actually went down because…Florida.

What I didn’t expect was to find myself laughing as much as I did. It’s not “ha-ha” funny, it’s dark humor and it’s used wonderfully. We’ve all been furious over a package arriving late at some point, so you can relate to Phil’s irrational anger. If you’ve ever worked in a call center, you’ve absolutely had the “pleasure” of dealing with customers like Phil.

My biggest issue was despite only being an hour and seventeen minutes long, I found myself checking to see how much longer was left, more than once. This would be better suited as a thirty-to-forty-five-minute short film. But that doesn’t mean that I still didn’t have a good time.

The reasoning behind why Phil got the ring and the insanity that he and Kevin go through made-up for the times I was checking how much longer was left. While I don’t know if it would hold-up well on a rewatch, it’s definitely worth checking out once.

The next time you decide to fall down a Tubi rabbit hole, Postal (2019) is a wild place to start.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

So, what about you? If you’ve seen Postal (2019), what are your thoughts on it? Let me hear it in the comments below or by engaging with me on social media!

Next up we’ll have the letter “Q”. Do you have a suggestion for what the watch should be? You’ve got until Wednesday morning to get the suggestions in!

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